Do you value your time?

Do you value your time?

Valuing my time has become more imperative both personally and particularly professionally: last week a few people picked up on an article by Ellinor Otter talking about working for free being a ‘no no’ and the type of face she would make when asked to do...
The internal shift in 2022

The internal shift in 2022

Looking back over my shoulder: 2022 was a BIG internal shift for me, pulling myself out of full time contracts in advertising and marketing to well, go in, and reflect on my life and what inherent skills I really wanted to use in my working life: they are very close...
Go gently this Christmas

Go gently this Christmas

Go gently this Christmas…. For many this time of year evokes a huge sense of overwhelm. Consumer confidence a little shook, high utility bills, unease in Ukraine, combined with the expense of Christmas, a low level of anxiety can build in the body. On top of...